We the people

America in 4 Minutes #BeTheChange

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It’s home of the green grass, the blue shutters
and the white picket fence that we talk about
It’s also home of people with bad credit
that can’t afford the American dream house
In our America, a vast majority of us go into debt
Because we go to work, we get our checks, we spend what’s left
Because in American school systems most aren’t taught how to properly invest
And because of it the national debt and the student loan crisis are bubblin’
Meanwhile we can’t find common lines of agreements between democrats and republicans

But even if they did agree, I wouldn’t jump to give a round of applause
Because in our America we tend to put bandages over the problems
Without really fixing the cause

But this is America, a place where outsiders find it difficult to become a resident
This is the place where our ball players can potentially earn more than our president.